Feed both in terms of quantity and quality is a major bottleneck for livestock production in Ethiopia. ETHIOPIA'S NATURAL RESOURCES BASE, ITS LAND, WATER, FORESTS AND TREES ARE THE FOUNDATION OF ANY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, FOOD SECURITY AND OTHER BASIC NECESSITIES OF ITS PEOPLE. Sustainable Natural Resources Management (NRM) for Enhanced Pastoralist Food Security in the Borana Zone, Ethiopia. It also contributes 15% of export earnings and 30% of agricultural employment [2]. EfD in Ethiopia, the Environmental Economics Policy Forum for Ethiopia (EEPFE) will be co-hosting a one day workshop with Forum for Environment on Tuesday 8 September 2009. Ethiopia also has a high diversity of tree species, most of which are restricted to Ethiopia and its bordering countries or endemic to the country. Over-exploitation of wetland resources is now a major threat in several wetland areas of Ethiopia. Many field studies reveal that Ethiopia stands second in hydropower potential next to the Congo. These resources include land, rocks, forests (vegetation), water . A good example of over-exploitation is the fishery resource from Lake Ziway in the Oromia Regional State [23]. 1 in the main text) Excessive exploitation of resources can also lead in some cases to a direct collapse of the wetland itself. Feed resources can be classified as natural pasture, crop residue, improved forage and agro . The role of natural pasture grazing as a major livestock feed resource is diminishing from time to time due to shrinking grazing land size (Yayneshet, 2010). It consists of weathered mineral materials (45%), organic matter (5%), air (20-30%) and water (20-30%). 3. Sedimentary type is of marine origin. decrees were rare in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has great agricultural potential because of its vast areas of fertile land, diverse climate, and adequate rainfall. MAJOR CLASS: Classes indicate the general nature of the landuse and Part two introduces the physical background and natural resource endowment of Ethiopia and the Horn which includes its geology and mineral resources, topography, climate, drainage and water resources, soil, fauna and . Fodders are the major feed resource in Ethiopia. Ethio-Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA). Indirect causes of biodiversity loss in the country are demographic change, poverty, and lack of awareness and coordination. Feed both in terms of quantity and quality is a major bottleneck for livestock production in Ethiopia. (2012), livelihood also refers to the means of earning a living or the activities undertaken by a family to obtain the basic materials needed to sustain household survival and development. Gold, copper, potash, platinum, and natural gas lie beneath the surface of the earth in this part of the world, and in 2012, mining reportedly contributed US $500 million to the country's economy. Energy minerals (lithium, graphite and tantalum, oil shale and coal) Cement raw minerals (limestone, gypsum, clay, pumice) Ceramics raw minerals (kaolin, feldspar) Glass raw minerals (silica sand) Dimension stones (marble, granite, limestone, sandstone, diatomite, bentonite, soda ash, salt, graphite and sulphur) Natural gases and hydro-carbons It could take several thousands of years to form a single stratum of soil. misuse, strategies & policy of natural resources particularly soil and water conservation & regeneration interventions in Ethiopia. The production of biomass by agriculture and Poverty Alleviation in Ethiopia Peoples in mountainous areas rely heavily on forest resources for their livelihood and welfare [7]. (b) Major rivers (bold lines) and dry washes (thin lines) of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa.It is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south. Major Natural Resources In Ethiopia The country has a few known reserves of precious metals and other natural resources such as gold, potash, natural gas, copper, and platinum. There are three characteristics that define the manganese deposits in Ethiopia. Ethiopia Natural Resources E thiopia has abundant natural resources, such as land, minerals, and gas. Use & Misuse of Soil & Water to Regeneration & Conservation in Terms of Ethiopia Soils have at least six main functions (uses) relevant to human life [1]. misuse, strategies & policy of natural resources particularly soil and water conservation & regeneration interventions in Ethiopia. 2006). 2010). However, nowadays these Ethiopian wetland lake resources are under severe problems such as population pressure, aquatic biodiversity loss; drying up, pollution, and degradation. The production of biomass by agriculture and Development Partner. Clear all lists Reporting from: Check system status Name of resource Problem URL Describe the connection issue Your name Your email (Stanford users can avoid this Captcha by logging in.) The country has established many protected areas.National Parks and Sanctuaries, which are referred to as principal conservation areas (LeykunAbune, 2003). U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. van de Laar, Aart 1994. Among the successes of . National spatial data infrastructure plays a significant role in the development of Ethiopia's fast-growing economy, but it contributes just as much to sustainable use of natural resources and efficient management of food crises. It has extensive hydropower potential. 2.1 The Major Soil Resources The conditions that favored soil development in Ethiopia : Of the 18 major soil associations existing in Ethiopia only few are important from agricultural development point of view. So far, however, the country has utilized only a fraction the natural resources under watershed management [19]. These are Nitosols, Cambisols, Vertisols and Fluvisols and their proportion is given in Table 1. The first type is composed of euritic nitosols and andosols and is found on portions of the Western and Eastern highlands. a. summary of major threats by ecosystems of Ethiopia (Fig. It pp. Also, Ethiopia was the first independent African member of the 20th-century League of Nations and the United Nations. This study was conducted to assess biomass production and nutritive value of fodder resources in Ethiopia. water resources management of the country. It has extensive hydropower potential. However, natural resource degradation in Ethiopia has been going on for centuries (Hurni et al. Therefore, this review paper identifies potential opportunities and wildlife diversity to promote wildlife tourism practices in . Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia 1 f 1. Especially after World War II, tourism, banking, insurance, and transport began to contribute more to the . The first part provides a brief description on the location, shape and size of Ethiopia as well as basic skills of reading maps. Land and Water Resources of the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. As a result of this diversity, almost every major type of vegetation can be found in the country. The Federal Constitution provides that the water. 2006). & sed.50% •Highland Tertiary volcanics (basalts) Somalia evolved into a major world supplier of uranium, with American, UAE, Italian and Brazilian mineral companies vying for extraction rights. Natural resources, particularly water and pasture, are among the key determinants of pastoralist livelihoods' sustainability. 2.2 An overview of the main structural features in Ethiopia 17 2.3 Mineral resources 22 Chapter three Metallic minerals 32 3.1 Gold Deposit 34 3.2 Platinum Deposit 71 3.3 Tantalum (Niobium, REE, Lithium, Beryllium) deposit 78 3.4 Nickel (Cobalt) deposit 95 3.5 Iron deposit 100 The main argument in this article is that the formal mechanisms for resolving conflicts over natural resources in Ethiopia and Kenya - which adopted the Western-style systems - need to be complemented by traditional institutional practices. The key natural resources of Ethiopia include gold, copper and platinum. From the standpoint of groundwater development, the rocks of the Precambrian Ethiopia - Ethiopia - Economy: Under Haile Selassie I (reigned 1930-74), Ethiopia's economy enjoyed a modicum of free enterprise. Geography - note. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ethiopia. Generally speaking, the amount of rainfall and topographic conditions suitable to hydro-electricity generation, i.e., head decrease as one moves away from west to east until it gets totally arid, flat desert-type in the Ogaden lowlands. The economy of Ethiopia has prospered for many years on agricultural products but currently, the country expands to industrialization and service providing for additional incomes. Geology and Mineral Potential of Ethiopia Geology underlain by rocks of Precambrian to recent Precambrian covers 25% (low-grade volcano-sedimentary rocks, high grade rocks and mafic to felsic intrusives) Palaeozoic - few places Mesozoic sed.Rocks-25% Cenozoic volc. Introduction Land has different functions. Eritrea was created by incorporating several distinct kingdoms and sultanates such as Aussa, Bahri, and Medri. The major feed resources in Ethiopia are natural pasture (grasslands) and crop residues with varying proportion among the different zones of the country. Link Natural Resources has a stake in the central region, and Kilimanjaro Capital has a stake in the 1,161,400 acres (470,002 ha) Amsas-Coriole-Afgoi (ACA) Block, which includes uranium exploration. Ethiopia is one of the most well endowed countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of natural resources (Gete et al. Ethiopia is blessed with abundance of natural resources including gold, potash, unexploited natural gas or methane, copper, platinum, etc. Ethiopia. Imperial environmental paradigm in Ethiopia until the latter parts of 1960s, were frontier economics. Natural resources and land use Ethiopia has small reserves of gold, platinum, copper, potash, and natural gas. note 1: landlocked - entire coastline along the Red Sea was lost with the de jure independence of Eritrea on 24 May 1993; Ethiopia is, therefore, the most populous landlocked country in the world; the Blue Nile, the chief headstream of the Nile by water volume, rises in T'ana Hayk (Lake Tana) in northwest Ethiopia note 2: three major crops are believed to have originated in . Konta Special Woreda is an important area for medicinal plants and associated local knowledge; the natural vegetation being the most important reservoir for the majority of the medicinal plants. Only 12% of the total land area is arable, with about 85% of the people dependent on agriculture or animal husbandry for subsistence. has subsequently issued a Water Resources Management Policy and several laws with respect to. In addition to all these resources, there is also an extensive potential for the generation of hydropower. There are success stories of watershed management in many districts of Ethiopia [8, 14, 20, 21]. The workshop will be chaired by Dr Alemu Mekonenn, Coordinator of EEPFE. Watershed, an area that drains to a common outlet [9], as being one of the natural resources, Landlocked 2. Ethiopia is one of the most well endowed countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of natural resources (Gete et al. These severe problems are created due to improper extraction, over . Like all other natural resources, Ethiopia's hydro resources are unevenly distributed over its land mass. Soil formation is a long-term process. The mountainous feature and hydrological conditions enables the country to generate hydropower at a lower cost. However, the wildlife tourism and conservation practices are still at low attention. Potash Potash deposit are estimated at l million tons per year Blue Nile It has an area of 1,127,127 square kilometers, slightly less than twice the size of Texas. Similarly, benefits of the Livestock is an important and integral part the agriculture sector of Ethiopia. AS INDICATED IN THE PREVIOUS SECTION, THESE RESOURCES ARE UNDER INTENSE PRESSURE FROM POPULATION GROWTH AND IN APPROPRIATE FARMING AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. Human Development Report 1998. A total of 34 scientific papers and 30 Central Statistical Agency (CSA) (Ethiopia) reports for biomass production, and 249 scientific papers for nutritive value were used for this study. SendCancel Toggle navigation Back to results Cite Send to text email RefWorks EndNote printer The major agroecological zones of Ethiopia Responsibility 3. Of the total land area, about 20 percent is under cultivation, although the amount of potentially arable land is larger. Lakes are shown in solid black, and triangles indicate major mountain peaks. ased on this, many scholars have put forward the concept of "sustainable livelihoods". Ethiopia's diverse forest resources, including high forests, woodlands, and trees on farms, have among the highest biodiversity in the world and provide a wealth of goods and services to ensure a green economic growth pathway while maintaining rapid infrastructure development and Furthermore, he noted that these forests are sanctuaries [11 Different people may prefer different functions and consider the role of land differently. The natural resource laws during the Italian occupation focused on the economic potential of natural resources rather than their environmental and ecological value [6]. Background . But mining is still a small contributor. Environmental and cultural changes are in the process of threatening the resources and this signals the n … Attempts have been made to explore the mandates and design features of the major land and water related institutional arrangements and governance structures. Feed resources can be classified as natural pasture, crop residue, improved forage and agro-industrial byproducts of which the first two contribute the largest share. Similarly, benefits of the Similarly, Berry (2003) also stated that loss of land resource productivity is an important problem in Ethiopia 2010). The Gold, platinum, iron ore, coal, and limestone are some of the many Natural Resources of Ethiopia. The study has undertaken an assessment and gap analysis of the institutional arrangements for improved natural resources governance in the Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia, most particularly the Tana and Beles sub basins. Situated in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia is bordered by Eritrea to the north, Sudan to the west, Kenya to the south, Somalia to the east and Djibouti to the northeast. Figure 4. Keywords: Watershed, Environmental Degradation, Natural Resources 1. (a) identified the key environmental issues in Ethiopia and their main causes; (b) examined the importance of environmental factors and natural resources for the Ethiopian economy (especially for sustainable growth in key sectors for structural transformation, such as agriculture and light manufacturing); and These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. Ethiopia has adopted a federal system of government under the Federal Constitution of 1995 and. The subsector contributes about 16.5% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 35.6% of the agricultural GDP [1]. traverses, existing publications, reports and maps concerning Ethiopia, and agro-climatic information generated by the "Assistance to Land use Planning project" ETH/78/003. Eritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa bordered by Ethiopia, Sudan, and Djibouti. (a) Contours of mean annual precipitation in Ethiopia, in mm (modified from Chernet, 1988). Ethiopia is one of the most diverse mammalian faunas in Africa and the great attractions of its wildlife heritage. With more than 90 million inhabitants) [8], living in rural areas Ethiopia is primarily an agrarian country. As it is a complex mixture of several constituents, its formation is also more complex. Residual concentration type is closely connected with secondary iron accumulations. Natural resources refer to the things that exist freely in nature for human use and don't necessarily need the action of mankind for their generation or production. Background. Therefore, every natural resource for Ethiopia came from Ethiopia. biodiversity resources, invasive species, replacement of local varieties and breeds, climate change and pollution. Invitation for Consultancy Service. However, natural resource degradation in Ethiopia has been going on for centuries (Hurni et al. The key aspect of natural resources is that they dictate the survival of humans and other life forms on earth. The production and export of cash crops such as coffee were advanced, and import-substituting manufactures such as textiles and footwear were established. Ethiopia has more than 58 different types of natural and manmade wetland lake resources which provide enormous socio-economic and environmental values. Ethiopia's population is estimated to be 105 million (projected for 2021 by CSA, 2013), and 80% of the people live in rural areas (FAO, 2019) with direct dependence on natural environmental resources for their livelihoods.Environmental resources are central to Ethiopia's economy and society, as agriculture and forestry are the two largest contributors to the national gross domestic product . •Ethiopia: area of 1.12 million square Kilometers (slightly less than twice the size of Texas), is located at 4 and 14 degree north, 33 and 48 degrees east. SMALLHOLDER AGRICULTURE IS THE DOMINANT SECTOR THAT PROVIDES OVER 85 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL EMPLOYMENT AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND APPROXIMATELY 55 PERCENT OF THE GDP. The Gold, platinum, iron ore, coal, and limestone are some of the many Natural Resources of Ethiopia. Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA) is a local NGO registered and accorded legal personality with registry number 0198 in line with the Civil Society Organizations Proclamation Number 1113/2019 to work in Ethiopia. attention was given to the problem in Ethiopia until major crisis occurred and affected large part community. Already in 1996, Sagaye (1996) argued that tourism development could provide a solution to Ethiopia's dependency on coffee trade (50% of the country's export at the time). Supporters. Introduction Natural resources are the main actors of an ecological balance that needs to be protected and used in a sustainable way. Use & Misuse of Soil & Water to Regeneration & Conservation in Terms of Ethiopia Soils have at least six main functions (uses) relevant to human life [1]. Deribe S (2008) Wetlands and management aspects in Ethiopia: Situation analysis. The major and almost the exclusive livelihood activities of the rural Ethiopia are crop production, livestock rearing, natural resource extraction, and only less than small percentage engaged in . Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources Abera N and Asfaw M. Impact of Microfinance on Rural Household Poverty in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has a high central plateau that varies from 1,290 to 3,000 m (4,232 to 9,843 ft) above sea level, with the highest mountain reaching 4,533 m (14,872 ft).. Elevation is generally highest just before the point of . It has a coastline along the Red Sea and occupies a total area of 45,406 square miles. 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2027 . Despite this potential, however, Ethiopian agriculture has remained underdeveloped. Proceedings of the national stakeholders' workshop on creating national commitment for wetland policy and strategy development in Ethiopia. Introduction. An assessment of national spatial data infrastructure in Ethiopia (Dessalegn Obsi Gemeda, 2012) revealed that a shortage of digital data, lack of . But abundant resources are not yet fully utilized and tourism is still at its infancy. In Ethiopia, many rural communities have for centuries lived in and around vegetation areas and they make use The other major natural resource of Ethiopia is the hydropower potential. Hydrothermal type is connected with telethermal iron. UNDP, Addis Ababa, December. Natural gas and hydrothermal potential are also substantial. The country's chief mineral and mining operations in 2010 included gold, cement, crushed stone and dimension stone production. Ethio Wetlands and Natural Resources Assocation. 1. 14-25. 1.1 Current and historical overview of forest resources in Ethiopia 1 1.2 Review of the main drivers of forest cover change 6 1.3 Carbon stocks of the forests of Ethiopia 15 1.4 Mitigation potential 16 1.5 Capacity for monitoring deforestation and forest degradation 17 2 Institutional, environmental and distributional aspects 18 Similarly, Berry (2003) also stated that loss of land resource productivity is an important problem in Ethiopia Thus, rich in natural, cultural and historical resources, Ethiopia has not seen much of the regional share of tourism receipts. The main theme of the workshop will be on accounting and taking stock of land, soil and forestry resources in Ethiopia. Main Non-renewable Resources The main non-renewable resources, even though limited, are minerals of which gold, rare minerals like potash, platinum, marble, phosphates, high quality coal, shale oil and iron are imp0l1ant. By definition, natural resources are taken from the earth and turned into money. But abundant resources are not yet fully utilized and tourism is still at its infancy. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. J Ecol & Nat Resour 2019, 3(5): 000177. In Ethiopia, natural resources are under the influence of various interconnected factors like population pressure, agricultural expansion, migration, rapid urbanization, resettlement, climate change, and environmental pollution. It was reported that forests around churches are most pro-tected than elsewhere in northern Ethiopia as people consider the place as the holiest religiously ]. U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation 1964. Ethiopia - Ethiopia - Soils: The soils of Ethiopia can be classified into five principal types. In spite of the rich wildlife resources in Ethiopia, due to people on natural resources management maintained the wise management of natural resources. It is bisected by one of the branches of the East African Rift. Irrigation Development, Food Production and the State in Historical Perspective. Overview: Ethiopia, part of the Horn of Africa, borders Eritrea, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Djibouti. Ethiopia is endowed with diverse natural resources with a great potential to attract visitors, ranging from both domestic and foreign visitors, and also from day trippers to overnight visitors (Sintayehu, 2015). An explanation follows regarding the main components of the map legend. The natural resources in Ethiopia include; Iron Iron ore deposits are estimated at 20 million tons in the country per annum Salt Ethiopia produces about 300,000 tons of marine and mined salt annually. The main agricultural products are teff, sorghum, barley, wheat, corn, coffee and chat. changing pressure and reverse the degradation of natural resources caused by human activities , natural resources transport about by new roads, increased logging and mining, designed oil palm plantations, high in-migration rates, many new economic opportunities, and shifts in the center of power (Campbell et al., 2003). Ethiopia is endowed with diverse natural resources with a great potential to attract visitors, ranging from both domestic and foreign visitors, and also from day trippers to overnight visitors (Sintayehu, 2015). the natural resources base (land, water and forest) is fundamental to the survival and livelihood of the majority of people in rural ethiopia.
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