Saturn Conjunct Moon, Natal Saturn Conjunct Moon Transit Saturn is conjunct Uranus. Because Uranus represents freedom and sudden surprises, you can expect any number of the following situations: loss of home or household or inability to depend upon your mother or female relatives, reactions from women that cause you to feel upset, a feeling of . Uranus is the planet of violent renewal, of revolutions and disruptions. 75 days. Transiting Saturn conjunct Venus. The Moon conjunct Mars transit has its positive aspects too, and one of them is a boost in energy. Duties and obligations can seem burdensome and it can seem like all the joy has been sucked out of life. Transiting Moon conjunct Natal Sun. Transit Saturn Conjunct Saturn. At best this combination of Moon conjunct Saturn, Moon opposite Saturn, or Moon square Saturn can blend nurturing and practicality, loyalty, and responsibility into the bond. Saturn conjunct north node transit is an excellent time to reevaluate your life priorities and think about if you are going in the right direction. Typical Duration. The aspect will feel for a long period, this means from 1 to 2 years. The first time in your life, when Saturn conjunct the Moon, is your first serious clash with reality when you grow up, become more responsible and see the world in its true colours. You are likely to feel distant and detached from those closest to you. Pluto Conjunct: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. Something like a transit square can be really tough, at least the last ones to date in my life have been, because then the demands of each planet have been at loggerheads. The transit of the Moon puts your emotional fortitude to the test. Pluto Transits Moon: A Time to Grieve. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. During transiting Saturn conjunct Venus the person attracts people that makes him/her focus on the important aspects of relationship such as respect, commitment . Saturn conjunct Moon transit is a test of your emotional strength. Transit Saturn not only conjuncts natal Mars but that Mars is conjunct Chiron. You are in the mood to cut things that are pretentious, phony, and insincere in the atmosphere. The aspect in synastry usually bears well for emotional consistency as it is bound to tradition, past habits, and bondage. Transit Saturn opposite this MC. Saturn is auspicious for the ascendant signs, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. I have lived through transiting Pluto square my Moon, though. This transit is a call to connect with, honour and care for your heart. The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Moon makes you feel depressed and lonely while at the same time you feel very demanding and critical of yourself. Saturn is the planet of life lessons in astrology. Pluto rules death and renewal and massive upheavals, it also means a journey underground or an experience of something life-transforming. The structures you relied upon become much less reliable. Moon conjunct Neptune Natal . For me, I'm feeling really good. 18 minutes ago. Pluto Conjunct Saturn in Transit: Pluto Conjunct Uranus in Transit . It is a significant time to evaluate and consider what you have been doing and have you achieved what you wanted or where you have gone wrong. The most difficult so far was Pluto conjunct Venus (Pluto square Moon and Pluto conjunct Saturn are close seconds). You will probably choose to be alone and emotionally closed rather than interacting with fake people. It is a good time for new beginnings. The Saturn-Moon combination is not a particularly harmonious one; and in these contacts the individual lunar nature is often detrimentally affected. You might feel lonely during this period, especially on an emotional level, but don't let depression take over because you need to connect with your own essence. The presence of Saturn gives you a tendency to instinctively protect yourself against others. There could also be a sense of inner pressure or tension. Your social relationships can lack spontaneity, enthusiasm, and naturalness, inhibited by emotional . Saturn and Mars are both naturally kroor graha, ie they will always give their results in their characteristic harsh, unfeeling, cruel, turbulent etc fashion. Natal Aspects - Moon conjunct Saturn. Building up a feeling of emotional security is most important because you do have a . This is your first Saturn return. Stronger social awareness and a desire to belong to a group may figure now, although sometimes it's more about expressing your own individuality and breaking the rules. You are likely to have a strong intuitive connection to elders in the family and experience greater emotional maturity in general. It is a period in which people are feeling too serious, more restrained and conservative. Transit Saturn to Natal Saturn With transit Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn, you experience your Saturn return, when Saturn returns to the exact placement it was at when you were born. Moon Square Saturn Transit. The goals we have set for ourselves, as well as our very character, are now re-evaluated for strength and purpose, and tested against reality. The Moon represents our home, mother, sense of belonging and need for comfort. The keyword is emotional upheaval. They seem to also be in tune with the subtle vibrations sent by the Universe, but also very vulnerable when disturbed. And then there is the other side. So will restriction, but it's how we cope with these facts of life, which decides our quality of life. . Saturn is cooling your emotions now. The ruler of the 7 th house represents the type of partner you will end up with. Natal aspects between the Moon and Saturn Moon conjunct Saturn You have to understand yourself more deeply now . Scorp Sun/Aries Rising/Pisces Moon, written during full Moon conjunct natal Sun with Mercury conjunct natal South Node; with South Node conjunct Natal Neptune forming apex of trine aspects supported on one end by Saturn conjunct Vertex on cusp of 10/11th in Aquarius (you know, like where defaming or supporting someone's career might occur . The BEST love transits are: Jupiter conjunct/sextile/trine natal Venus or ruler of the 7th house. If Saturn and Mars or both signify bad houses like . My personal North Node conjunct Saturn Transits journey… I wanted to share my own life experience to give you an idea of how profoundly Saturn Conjunct your North Node can affect you… 29 Jan 1991 I met my soulmate Anthony aged 20, who became my husband - later passing in an accident before we turned 29. Saturn conjunct Venus. Saturn. The sobriety of your thinking can serve your work and bring your communication skills to new levels of precision and thoroughness. This aspect can be made more difficult if either parent, especially the mother, was cold or mean towards you while you were young. When Saturn transits your Moon emotions will be highlighted, and you may focus more on themes like self-care, health and family.. Saturn Transits. Those having the Moon conjunct Neptune transit in their birth chart are known for being emotionally sensitive. With Uranus in transit you will experience the unusual, sudden and unexpected events. Natal or transit Saturn conjunct, square or opposite Moon is a deeply felt aspect that, over time, provides opportunity for emotional enrichment and growth (those with Saturn sextile or trine Moon may experience similar processes of growth we'll cover in this article, but perhaps less intensely.) Saturn and Mars conjunct or aspecting. Also, you experience similar aspects at every 7 years, when Saturn makes square or opposition with your natal Moon. The last several years I've been very depressed and not really wanting to live, thinking that death seemed like it would be better for me. Saturn Conjunct Natal Saturn. 9 / 10. The thing is no one can ever really put into words exactly how a Saturn-Moon transit can make you feel - and we'll all experience it differently… So here goes, with plenty of credit to Robert Hands' Planets in Transit, a semi-guide to the more difficult of the Saturn-Moon transits… Saturn Conjunct Moon If you are normally a materialistic person, it is a time of severe anxiety. Saturn as the World card in the Tarot, achievement after . The transit of Saturn conjunct your natal Saturn is the most important period of life since it always happens around the age of 29, when you begin to be older and totally responsible for your destiny. I have Saturn conjunct sun and square moon. Your first Saturn return, which usually occurs between 28 and 32, is seen as a marker for entering adulthood. The Moon rules the past, mother, family, and early emotional bonds. During transiting Saturn conjunct natal Moon you are going to be serious. I have already touched upon the essence of the Lunar Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) many times. Saturn just transited natal Saturn several days ago exact. You experience inner harmony now which is likely to draw attention to yourself without trying or to receive some special recognition. Saturn is the planet of strict energy, rules, karma, time, past life themes, and can represent authority. This is a time in which the weight of maturity seems to weigh heavier on you and can serve as a test of your resolve. Your relationships with women are likely to feel unsupportive. Transiting Mars is also tightly conjunct natal Saturn, and transiting Sun is square natal Scorpio-Sun, applying. This is one of the most difficult lesions in the chart, which can bring a lot of inconvenience to both the owner of the horoscope and his environment. Moon conjunct Saturn natal burdens the emotional life with hardship, sadness, and guilt. Like a good blend of faith and realness. I'm alone at home, I'm on a Leave of Absence at work because I'm working on improving my . Moon Conjunct Saturn. The second time this transit happens will be at age 56, and it is also . Happens once every 29 years only! When Saturn transits the Moon, we typically take on more family responsibility, and it is one indicator of having a child, especially the first one. These natives can be aware of every emotion and thought, also suspicion and bad intention. Transit Saturn Conjunct Moon. When it transiting Saturn makes prominent aspects to your natal planets, it is likely that life tests you if you have learned the lessons of Saturn. The second time this transit happens will be at age 56, and it is also . Moon transiting the Eleventh House. Obligations are more demanding and apparent causing an increase in stress, but also motivating you to take care of them. Moon Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit. Back to main point though - full moon conjunct the MC in Nov 2016 Transiting Moon trine natal Saturn. For example, Meghan Markle is a Cancer Rising, so the Moon is her chart ruler. Interpreting the progressed chart is an art form that takes time, experience, and a real understanding of cycles to perfect. So with Saturn, with Saturn transits, you have to TRY 10000000 times more than usual. If you will be unwilling to accept the changes in your life, it will cause a strong mental stress. But one of the progression cycles that is quite easy to grasp is the cycle of the Progressed Moon and its relationship to the Saturn cycle in the natal chart. Saturn transiting Capricorn and Aquarius is benefic to people born with Moon in Rohini, Magha, Swathi, Poorvashada, Uttarabhadrapada as it brings financial gains, new oppurtunities and relations, help from officials. #1. I've already had awful luck the past few years so I feel it's so unfair if I'd experience even more. However, due to the Moon's wide orb of influence, although transiting Saturn is no longer conjunct natal Saturn, it's still square natal Moon - in fact, the aspect is applying. A time of great change and evolution, in particular regarding your home life and surroundings -- your support system. I turn 30 years old later this year (Cancer Sun). I'm alone at home, I'm on a Leave of Absence at work because I'm working on improving my . Yes, as of today: I'm going through my Saturn Conjunct Moon Transit, Saturn Conjunct Saturn transit, Saturn Trine MC transit, Saturn Opposition Mercury transit. About the transit of Saturn over the natal Moon, we can see that it happens at a distance of 28-30 years. Significance. Saturn Conjunct Mercury Transit. A recent criticism or harrowing experience has perhaps led you to be very thorough and guarded with your thinking. However their results are not always as horrible as it is made out. Saturn Conjunct Chiron Transit. You may have a cool, controlled exterior but inside you are sensitive to criticism and may fear rejection. The result of this attitude has been a decline in health due to not taking care of myself. This is your first Saturn return. This is a more sociable and gregarious transit of the Moon. Saturn conjunct natal Moon - in transit. Alleybux. And the cookie may taste like sawdust AT FIRST. For me, I'm feeling really good. Among those topics are the lunar nodes, which are not planets, asteroids, or any type of physical body. It is bad for people born with Moon in Krittika, Arudra, Aslesha, Poorva Phalguni, Chitra, Moola, Sravana, Poorvabhadra, Revati. I am in the process of applying for a job. You can display a sober, self-restrained, conservative personality. During transiting Saturn conjunct natal Moon you are going to be serious. You may already know that Pluto moves so slowly most people won't have this in their lifetimes. I have a similar experience with the Moon and Vertex concerning relationships… the day I met my the man I am in a relationship currently, the moon was conjunct the vertex. Just like Saturn on your descendent or through the 7th House can bring a break-up. Yes, as of today: I'm going through my Saturn Conjunct Moon Transit, Saturn Conjunct Saturn transit, Saturn Trine MC transit, Saturn Opposition Mercury transit. Moon is emotion, feelings, and mood. During Saturn's conjunction to my Moon, I was diagnosed with clinical depression, which later became a diagnosis of severe Major Depressive Disorder . This is a time to take care of yourself and prevent frustration with others by recognizing your capabilities and sitting tight until the proper time presents itself. What I'm about to say may not be easy to hear. When it hits the natal Moon, which is the center of emotions, the unconscious core of our beings, interesting things will happen. You may draw a whole new environment around you after boiling down the current . You may feel like you have to earn their support or their love. Networking is the keyword for this 2-3 day period. Venus is the planet of romance, beauty, what we love, and how we go about loving. This is very similar to Venus, as it relates to one-on-one partnerships and relationships. Saturn and Moon may not be natural 'friends' but with the transit conjunct, both may well 'want' the same things. • The period, when the executor of destiny - Saturn conjoins Venus, is crucial for everything valuable in your life and happen. Transit Saturn Conjunct Saturn. It is the most delicious sawdust cookie you have ever tasted and oh how wise so very wise you are now and the cookie, this cookie, it crumbles .
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