DISCUS FISH FRY GROW OUT TANK SETUP || FISH BABIES TANK favorite 85 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1. When the fry is between 1 month to 1.5 month, feed with artemia (4 times per day) and you can make your own discus burger. In the first 4 to 5 days the fry feed exclusively on the parents skin slime. Feed the food which parents and fries can eat. If you want to, then you can simply allow the parents to keep protecting the angelfish fry for quite some time. More inexperienced parents tend to eat their eggs soon after laying them or kill the fry upon hatching. The first is the parents eating them. The discus won't do great in a community tank. It is recommended to stop feeding the parents 24 hours after the hatch to keep the pristine condition of the tank. Which is why many believe that at the three to four week old stage when the fry are removed from the parents, that these pests cause so many problems. As with the previous method the female guppies can still give birth after being separated so be on the lookout for that. There are some times that one parent will not want any part of raising the fry. It's great to watch cichlids doing what they are so good at and the fry definitely have a much better chance of survival than with other species. The general rule is to allow 15 gallons for each individual in the school. If you are going to artificially raise the fry, you will want to take the parents out. The aquarium temperature for rams should be between 84°F and 86°F. If I raise just 20 fish with the parents in the tank as compared to say 70 without the parents. Lack of attachment from the Discus Pair can cause the fry to starve and die. It is ideal for a pair of fish to live and play in this tank size. Depending on the number of cichlid fry you intend to raise, a grow-out cichlid fry tank should be between 20 and 30 gallons in size. Once the babies reach roughly 2 weeks old, it is advisable to separate them from the parents. At this moment, a large deposit of skin excretion is formed on the parents. Lastly, you are observing discus in a large tank, so if a pair decide to become parents, you want to be able to quickly observe who are the parents and if the eggs are viable. German Blue Rams. In order to avoid this, it is often necessary to separate the parents and the fry after 2-3 weeks. Once the fry are completely eating on their own and are no longer attached to the parents you must separate the fry from the parents. However, the fry can become lost, often stuck in the corner of the tank, or attracted not to the parents, but the sponge filter. "Parenting varies with the fish—like people," he said. Like other cichlids, the discus parents participate in caring for and developing their young by protecting and cleaning the eggs. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. Newer Than: Search this thread only; . best level 1 1 year ago There was an aquarium co-op video of a discus breeder tour, and the breeder said he separates parents and fry at about 1 month because by then they have teeth and may start eating more than just slime coat. Blue Diamond Discus aquariums should closely resemble their natural Amazonian habitat with plenty of plants and branching root. Opt for food that will sink to the bottom of the tank. Discus fish attain their sexual maturity in one year or so. The fry will nibble away at the parent's mucus layer, which quickly regenerates. I have kept discus in the past (10 plus years ago) and this book served as a refresher for maintaining discus including water quality and heating requirements. AquariumsHow to Save Your Baby fishes in a Community Tank In a community tank, parents as well as other species of fish pose a danger to fish fry.Fish Cann. As the fry get larger start feeding them premium discus flakes as well as beef heart flakes and start introducing them to frozen blood worms once they reach one inch in size. It is also harmful to the parents of discus fish fry after a few weeks, so you should separate them from their parents in another tank. The parents secrete a mucus (which I think was recently looked at and found to actually be flesh) that the fry pick at and eat after they become free swimming with no yolk sac. Step 10 - Separate the parents Free swimming discus fish fries. It is vital to keep the parents in the tank at this stage. Baby Fish! The 20-gallon tank can easily hold two discus fish, as well as accessories for the discus tank. The fry never actually "attach" to the parents, rather they stay extremely close, less then a millimeter away, and continually bite at the parents, feeding from the parents slime coat. In order to avoid this, it is often necessary to separate the parents and the fry after 2-3 weeks. The discus wrigglers will hang on the PVC pipe for around 3 days before they start free swimming. Separate tanks also mean you'll have two tanks to take care of. let me add this '' not all discus or fish are created equal'' if an oscar will kill and eat a pleco and a baby tsn 4.5'' then a male discus will eat it's young but not alway's .. IMO divide the pair once hatched but make it so that the fry only have full range of the tank (hole's in divider small enough so parent's can't fit through) . In addition, they would then have the example of their parents feeding to inspire them. If you are not going to artificially raise the fry, you . If you look closely you can see how much energy the young fry expend tearing off the shreds of tissue. 2 This behavior is prevalent among young fish thus the need to use a glass wall to separate the young discus fish from their parents. There are lots of wrigglers hanging on the PVC pipe. This sorting process is also an opportunity to cull any sickly fry if needed to prevent defective genes from spreading and to avoid giving customers unhealthy fish. If the parents start bickering for any reason, separate them with a piece of glass. Discus are quite difficult to care for and breed, and you may not achieve a high survival rate for the young on your first attempt. The fry live by eating slime from the parents' bodies for 12-15 days. When the fry are above 1.5 month, you can feed discus burger or frozen blood worms (3-4 . Feed the Discus fish with food that the fry can also feed on. Newer Than: Search this thread only; . Feed your fry newly hatched brine shrimp and supplement with microworms once in a while to make the diet more varied. Separate names with a comma. Raising the Fry in a Nursery Tank. I'll take the 70. However, performing water change with fry scattered everywhere is extremely hard. Your discus fish fry should be kept in the tank with their parents for between 10 and 14 days after hatching before being separated and raised to maturity. Transferring the parents was difficult. Frys should be left with parents and it can take several breeding to get it right. Hatching Discus Fry After about 60 hours (dependent on water temperature), the eggs hatch. The mechanics of the way that discus reproduce is much the same as any other South American cichlid. Setting up a Grow out tank for Discus Fry. However, the fry can become lost, often stuck in the corner of the tank, or attracted not to the parents, but the sponge filter. The discus fish was first identified by a man by the name of Johann Nattereri, a scientist who collected them between the years of 1817 and 1835. The mating pair is going to work together . Discus form pairs; no value in 8 to 2 ratio. As a result, the fry can begin to strip away the slime coat faster than the parents can produce it, leading to fin and scale damage seriously high stress levels. Therefore it is critical not to separate the mother from her small fry. Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water. If you are not going to artificially raise the fry, you . Pigeon Blood Discus Fry It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. Move your fingers inside until one of the parents are next to your hand. July 6, 2013. by Mohan Raj. This will be suitable for a school of 5. To maximize growth, 50% or more is in order. The problem of too many guppy offspring can be self-solving. They might eat guppy fry, but the chances that they will eat full-grown . If you notice the parents eating the eggs while you are waiting, consider moving the parents and following the instructions for raising discus without parents instead. When the fry see the parents eating they will also begin to eat. Discus are good parents in time. A token 20% weekly change is the bare minimum for just maintenance. Transferring the parents was difficult. And you can't even separate the parents from their fry since discus fish are among the few species known to care for their young. It further explored compatible tankmates, breeding habits, and recommendations when to separate the fry from their parents. The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. If you leave the eggs to hatch with the parents, the parents will spawn again after 2 or 3 weeks and the already hatched fry will use the eggs as food. The fry will have a better chance of survival if they are With the mother. If your other tank fish are peaceful types and you have no harmful night feeders there is a chance the discus can raise them and yes they will move them around some. Opt for food that will sink to the bottom of the tank. . After 60 hours, the fry can swim around the parents. Dec 4, 2012. Sterazin can be used twice a week, or wormer plus every four days which usually does the trick. The young will be placed, by the parents, on a different place of the breeding medium, until they can swim on their own. The eggs are fanned for three days before they hatch and the fry is then moved around the aquarium by the mouth of the parents many times for another 4 days. Once the fry are completely eating on their own and are no longer attached to the parents you must separate the fry from the parents. If you are going to artificially raise the fry, you will want to take the parents out. For several weeks the fry continues receiving nourishment from the parents. pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0, with hardness between 1° and 4° dKH (18 to 70 ppm). Discus fry prior to free swimming Discussion in 'Discus' started by MOD_Dawn, Sep 19, 2010. . The fry will consume their parents' "discus milk" for 7 days before they can be fed normal food, however the discus will continue to consume the milk, in addition to their regular diet, up until around three to four weeks in age. 3. After 48 - 60 hours, the first young will already swim free. Pristine condition of the tank is the best water condition at this stage. They feed them from a slim that is on the surface or the body outside the scales. Do not place a light on the top of the tank. Depending on the number of cichlid fry you intend to raise, a grow-out cichlid fry tank should be between 20 and 30 gallons in size. The fry stay close to their parents and the parents will take turns caring for them. With Discus the more water changing the happier they are, and the faster they grow and spawn; daily is not too much and, if you are feeding properly, may even be necessary. Gradually they become less and less dependent upon the parents until finally, they are completely on their own. Feed the Discus fish with food that the fry can also feed on. Temperature should be kept between 82° and 86° F, although wild Heckel discus prefer water near 90° F. Use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain proper water temperature. To keep Discus fish in an aquarium you will need at least a 70 gallon tank. The fry swim towards their parents and start eating an epidermal mucus that the discus pair produce on their sides. Angelfish have good parental instincts, and they will doggedly protect their eggs. Brief Instructions to Artificially Raising Discus Fry There are two keys to raising the fry artificially: Cleanliness is one, changing the water with WATER THAT IS THE SAME TEMP is the other. At this moment, a large deposit of skin excretion is formed on the parents. This is because as the fry grow bigger they will slowly start to damage the parents by constantly trying to feed off of them. This excretion is the only food the young fish will eat for next few days. Obviously, this is the only way of protecting their eggs or fry until they become mature enough to be on their own. At this stage, the fry is too small to eat anything else than a special secretion produced on skin of the parents. This is the time that you should separate the young ones from the parent fish. For a larger group you will need a 100 gallon aquarium. You couldn't meet a nicer person in the discus or aquarium community. Owing to this, you must place a wire tube over the laid eggs to prevent the parents from eating them. Step 1: Give the parents a 1.5-2″ PVC pipe 14-16″ long to let them spawn on. The first is the parents eating them. Any fish that is dropped will be brought back by the parents. Equip your grow-out tank with adequate heating, lighting and filtration to ensure water circulation and a stable water temperature around 78° F. As a result, the fry can begin to strip away the slime coat faster than the parents can produce it, leading to fin and scale damage seriously high stress levels. Then shift your hand slightly so there is a small space for the parent to get out. Step 10 - Separate the parents Free swimming discus fish fries. Fry at day 7 (14-15 days after 1st egg is laid) up to 1 month of age, feed them with artemia or brineshrimp (8 times per day). Discus are VERY good parents, and will take care of the babies for a very very long time. Then, you can transfer the parents into another tank for a rest or another set-up breeding tank. ! This Video is about when is the ideal time to separate the Discus Fry from their parents. Pigeon Blood Discus Fry It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. You can do so by removing it from the breeding tank and transferring it to a . One feature not found in most other aquarium species is the young fish's instinct to feed from the parents' skin, making them easier to care for if you are willing to leave the two generations in the same tank. I would suggest a minimum or 40g breeder . After 48 - 60 hours, the first young will already swim free. Discus fish fry feed on the mucous excreted by the parent fish, so to separate the fry from the parents is to cut off the food supply of the developing fry. The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. try to feed newly hatched brine shrimp and other prepared foods for baby fish. pH must be below 7 and water used throughout this process must be soft . Soon after his discus spawn, he removes the eggs from the parents and hatches them in a solution of methylene blue. Discus have a reputation for being difficult to breed, but once you . This is when you separate them. When the fry is 5 or 6 weeks old you will see them eat from the skin and fins of their parents. Roughly 7-10 days after becoming free swimming, Discus fry are normally developed enough to survive without their parents in a separate fry rearing tank. After two or three days, the eggs should hatch. Keep Fry with Parent Guppies. I currently have about 70 LSS fry that are about two weeks old and probably 100+ Reflection D fry with my male. Equip your grow-out tank with adequate heating, lighting and filtration to ensure water circulation and a stable water temperature around 78° F. The temperature must be kept between 83-88°F, with a ph of 6.5-7.0. You can encourage it with your fingers. After the eggs hatch, he places the fry in little bowls. This is the point when I steal the fry or remove the parents. Water parameters should be very consistent with a pH near 6.8 to 7.2, temperature between 82° to 86° Fahrenheit with low to medium water currents. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. A quick question about our discus fry, they are 3 weeks old and were removed from the parents a week ago, last night we found 5 dead doing our daily water change, (FYI, rio 300ltr, 25-50% water change a day (heated), temp 28c, water param.s e.g.. nitrate, nitrite and ammonia all nil, ph 6.5, gravel bottom, 1 piece of planted bogwood, external . Now my large cichlids that give me 200 plus fry in a batch, I leave with parents. After 10 days of taking baby brine regularly, the babies were separated from the parents and placed into a 20-gallon high bare bottom aquarium. This will take around 12-16 weeks, which means putting in LOTS of work and effort to reach that point. Finally, through selective breeding a wide variety of body shapes, colors, and patterns can be produced and although Discus Fish may not interact with you like your four-legged friends, they can give you many hours of pleasure and entertainment. The next step is identifying exactly when to separate the fry. Now's a good time to observe, take note of who's a pair. Another measure is to separate the female Discus from her fry because she is more likely to eat her fry. In fact, about 90 percent of discus are not good parents. As the fry get larger start feeding them premium discus flakes as well as beef heart flakes and start introducing them to frozen blood worms once they reach one inch in size. If some fry are growing faster than others, you may need to separate them out by size into multiple aquariums to prevent cannibalism and lessen competition for food. However, it is the little peculiarities that some pairs have, that make things interesting. Baby discus have voracious appetites, and if you expect to keep up with the growth spurts they have at this stage of life, then you will need lots of food, and even more water changes. The fry cling to the wall of the tank or a substrate. While many Cichlids will eat fry, the opposite happens with Discus. Discus fry prior to free swimming Discussion in 'Discus' started by MOD_Dawn, Sep 19, 2010. . The term slime is loose, actually the Discus fry are ingesting the entire epidermis of the parent except for the base where it is formed. The discus fry are attracted to the dark color of their parents. Separate names with a comma. It is not likely the new discus parents will raise their first batch of fry in a tank full of other discus. The temperature of the water is the most important factor in breeding German Blue Rams. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lrbaquaticsWebsite/Online Store: https://lr. So it is wise to use a fluke treatment to help the young fry over this period. Breeding The larger they are the more they sell for - just check the difference in price between 3 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch discus - as to when you sell them that is up to you. Other tips: Keep Discus with Discus. Well, this is where the fun really begins. Discus are reputed to be good parents, he said. Discus fry produce TONS of waste, and they're even MORE sensitive than the parents. If you've done your job, you can consider selling your baby discus when they reach 2 inches (5 cm) in length. German Blue Rams, like Discus, can be extremely profitable, but you will need a certain level of skill and access to high-quality breeding stock. If you see the parent fish running from her babies then seperate them. This behaviour can make the parents very weak and even cause them to die. Feed the food which parents and fries can eat. The first thing to know is that you don't necessarily have to separate the angelfish fry from the parents. This is the time that you should separate the young ones from the parent fish. The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. My suggestion is to get something you can slide into the tank and make a barrier to divide the tank, some plastic mesh or whatever. My Experiences with Discus - Part II. The good thing is that Discus bred in captivity pair-up and spawn quickly, but inexperienced parents may feed on their eggs. after 2- 2 1/2 weeks remove parents and put . Usually the parents will give the signals by trying to avoid the fry and use unusual body movements which seem to indicate "stay away". Discus Fish Interesting Facts. I use to have all German discus, but now I pretty much have discus from Tony Tan, Winson, and Forrest. Quickly after the first strokes, the young fish will swim in the direction of the parents, to eat the skin excretion. Once the two days are up, there will be too many detachments for the parents to keep up with, and the fry will become free-swimming. Worst case scenario the parents eat the fry- so I start again and follow the orthodox method of removing the parents then feeding live brine-shrimp. When one parent gets weakened with this process, the fry shift to another parent. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. Move both your hands slowly over the entrance of the box. The three natural species of discus fish go by the scientific names Symphysodon discus . When they start to eat on their own, it's a good indicator that they are ready to be moved out of the tank. As your discus grow, you'll be able to separate the men from the ladies by the shape of their dorsal fins. The eggs will normally hatch after 2-3 days at a water temperature of 84 degrees, and the fry will start feeding about 72 hours later. Juveniles cannot swim yet and live off of reserves in the yolk sac below the abdomen. Discus fish belong to the family Cichlidae and the genus Symphysodon. In three months you will have Discus fry the body size of a dime. For example, newly spawned angelfish fry must be kept separate from their parents, however newly spawned discus fish rely heavily on their parents for a food supply in early life. dont remove the rest of the discus from the tank, take the pair and move them to a 20 or similar sized tank by themselves if possible, barebottom and with a spongefilter. There comes a point in time, however; probably two or three weeks after they're born, that every time you feed the parents the babies start to break away and go down to get at the food. I have been breeding discus for over 30 years now! When one parent grows weary of the babies, it shakes itself, and all the babies are transferred to the side of the other parent.
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